高旭珍 副教授

发布时间:2023-02-26文章来源: 浏览次数:






2008/09-2012/06  山西师范大学 物理与信息工程学院 学士

2013/09-2018/06  南开大学 物理科学学院 博士



2018/07-2021/12  15vip太阳集团 15vip太阳集团 讲师 硕士生导师

2022/01-今     15vip太阳集团 15vip太阳集团 副教授 硕士生导师













[1] X. Z. Gao, P. C. Zhao, J. H. Zhao, X. F. Sun, J. J. Liu, F. Yang, and Y. Pan*, “Sinusoidal-amplitude binary phase mask and its application in achieving an ultra-long optical needle,” Opt. Express 30, 26275-26285 (2022). (编辑推荐论文)

[2] X. F. Sun, Y. Pan, G. B. Zhang, Z. X. Man, and X. Z. Gao*, “Manipulating transverse spin angular momentum with symmetrically modulated hybridly polarized vector optical field,” Photonics 9, 817 (2022).

[3] J. H. Zhao, Y. Pan*, X. Z. Gao, R. D. Ma, Z. X. Man, Z. C. Ren, C. H. Tu, Y. N. Li, and H. T. Wang*, “Five-dimensional Poincaré sphere system for representing azimuthally varying vector optical fields,” Phys. Rev. A 106, 023506 (2022).

[4] M. S. Wang, X. Z. Gao*, J. H. Zhao, X. F. Sun, Y. Pan*, and Y. J. Xia, “Flexibly modulated Poincaré sphere vector optical field in input and focal planes,” Opt. Express 29, 21071-21083 (2021).

[5] P. C. Zhao, X. Z. Gao*, J. H. Zhao, Y. Pan, and Z. X. Man*, “Achieving ultra-long optical needles with a duplex vector optical field and parabolic hybrid mask,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 38, 1823-1829 (2021).

[6] X. Z. Gao*, J. H. Zhao, P. C. Zhao, X. F. Sun, F. Yang, J. J. Liu, and Y. Pan*, “Purely transverse spin angular momentum modulated by the singularity phase,” J. Opt. 23, 115603 (2021).

[7] X. Z. Gao, J. H. Zhao, M. S. Wang, J. J. Liu, G. B. Zhang, and Y. Pan*, “Bipolar-variant spin angular momentum and its evolution in a tight focusing process,” Phys. Rev. A 102, 063514 (2020).

[8] X. Z. Gao, M. S. Wang, J. H. Zhao, P. C. Zhao, X. Zhang, Y. Pan*, Y. N. Li, C. H. Tu, and H. T. Wang*, “Generation and tunable focal shift of the hybridly polarized vector optical fields with parabolic symmetry,” Chin. Phys. Lett. 37, 124201 (2020).  (编辑推荐论文)

[9] X. Z. Gao, P. C. Zhao, X. F. Sun, F. Yang, Y. Pan*, Y. N. Li, C. H. Tu, and H. T. Wang*, “Highly purified transversely polarized optical needle generated by the hybridly polarized vector optical field with hyperbolic symmetry,” J. Opt. 22, 105604 (2020).

[10] Y. Pan*, X. Z. Gao, R. D. Ma, C. H. Tu, Y. N. Li, and H. T. Wang*, “Tunable azimuthally non-uniform orbital angular momentum carried by vector optical fields,” Chin. Opt. Lett. 18, 122601 (2020).

[11] Y. Pan*, X. Z. Gao, G. L. Zhang, Y. N. Li, C. H. Tu, and H. T. Wang*, “Spin angular momentum density and transverse energy flow of tightly focused kaleidoscope-structured vector optical fields,” APL Photonics 4, 096102 (2019). (编辑推荐论文)

[12] M. D. Zhao, X. Z. Gao, Q. Wang, G. L. Zhang, K. Wang, F. Dai, D. Wang, Y. N. Li, C. H. Tu*, and H. T. Wang*, “Multifractal vector optical fields,” Opt. Express 27, 20608-20620 (2019).

[13] Y. Pan*, X. Z. Gao, X. Zhang, J. H. Zhao, P. C. Zhao, Y. N. Li, C. H. Tu, and H. T. Wang*, “Diffraction properties and applications of spatially structured optical fields with fractal amplitude masks,” Appl. Opt. 58, 8631-8637 (2019).

[14] Y. Pan*, M. S. Wang, X. Z. Gao, X. Zhang, R. D. Ma, Y. N. Li, C. H. Tu, and H. T. Wang*, “Energy transfer of the tightly focused hybridly polarized vector optical fields with elliptic symmetry in free space,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 36, 1898-1907 (2019).

[15] G. L. Zhang, M. Q. Cai, X. L. He, X. Z. Gao, M. D. Zhao, D. Wang, Y. N. Li, C. H. Tu*, and H. T. Wang*, “Pseudo-topological property of Julia fractal vector optical fields,” Opt. Express 27, 13263-13279 (2019).

[16] X. Z. Gao, Y. Pan, M. D. Zhao, G. L. Zhang, Y. Zhang, C. H. Tu, Y. N. Li*, and H. T. Wang*, “Focusing behavior of the fractal vector optical fields designed by fractal lattice growth model,” Opt. Express 26, 1597-1614 (2018).

[17] G. L. Zhang, X. Z. Gao, Y. Pan, M. D. Zhao, D. Wang, H. H. Zhang, Y. N. Li, C. H. Tu*, and H. T. Wang*, “Inverse method to engineer uniform-intensity focal fields with arbitrary shape,” Opt. Express 26, 16782-16796 (2018).

[18] M. D. Zhao, X. Z. Gao, Y. Pan, G. L. Zhang, C. H. Tu, Y. N. Li*, and H. T. Wang*, “Image encryption based on fractal-structured phase mask in fractional Fourier transform domain,” J. Opt. 20, 045703 (2018).

[19] X. Z. Gao, Y. Pan, G. L. Zhang, M. D. Zhao, Z. C. Ren, C. H. Tu, Y. N. Li*, and H. T. Wang*, “Redistributing the energy flow of tightly focused ellipticity-variant vector optical fields,” Photonics Res. 5, 640-648 (2017).

[20] X. Z. Gao, Y. Pan, S. M. Li, D. Wang, Y. N. Li, C. H. Tu*, and H. T. Wang*, “Vector optical fields broken in the spatial frequency domain,” Phys. Rev. A 93, 033834 (2016).

[21] Y. Pan, X. Z. Gao, M. Q. Cai, G. L. Zhang, Y. N. Li, C. H. Tu, and H. T. Wang*, “Fractal vector optical fields,” Opt. Lett. 41, 3161-3164 (2016).

[22] Y. Pan, X. Z. Gao, Z. C. Ren, X. L. Wang, C. H. Tu, Y. N. Li*, and H. T. Wang*, “Arbitrarily tunable orbital angular momentum of photons,” Sci. Rep. 6, 29212 (2016).

[23] X. Z. Gao, Y. Pan, M. Q. Cai, Y. N. Li, C. H. Tu*, and H. T. Wang*, “Hyperbolic-symmetry vector fields,” Opt. Express 23, 32238-32252 (2015).

[24] Y. Pan, Z. C. Ren, S. X. Qian, X. Z. Gao, Y. N. Li, C. H. Tu*, and H. T. Wang*, “Uniformly elliptically-polarized vector optical fields,” J. Opt. 17, 035616 (2015).

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